(11 Dec) Two representative of YWPS, Jayvis Chow and Cadence Wong, both Student Council members, served at Wanchai Convention and Exhibition Centre for the Teaching and Learning Expo 2024 as ambassadors. They toured around guests of educators and enriched the vibe and success of the Expo.
Dr Lee
(30 Sept) Congratulations to both cabinets' effort and their wholehearted devotion to their promotional work these weeks. Under the supervision and monitoring of our Principal, teachers and PTA representatives, all YWPS students have cast their valuable votes today and decided who to represent them as Student Council. Cabinet Members:
6E 周柏耀 CHOW PAK YIU (President) 6D 陳奕銘 CHAN YICK MING AIDAN (Vice President) 6E 葉柏熙 YIP PAK HEI CORY (Vice President) 6E 唐熙堯 TONG HEI YIU (Treasurer) 6E 湯博謙 TONG POK HIM LUCAS (Secretary) 6E 黃建鏘 WONG KIN CHEONG 6E 陳衍宏 CHAN HIN WANG 6A 陳禵昕 CHAN NIGEL TIANN We look forward to seeing our Student Council's work and activities in due course. Well done YWPS boys! Dr Lee (19 Sept) YWPS Student Council Election activities start today. Two cabinets will promote their ideas and plans. Cabinet No.1 "Ying Wa Stand-outers" (President: 6E Jayvis Chow) Cabinet No.2 "The Eight Musketeers" (President: 6B Bill Chan) BIG ELECTION DAY: 30 SEPTEMBER 2024 (All Students Can VOTE!) Here are their posters: Here are their promotional videos: (14 Sept) Over 30 P.5-6 students of YWPS attended a seminar at BIOHK2024 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in the morning of 14 Sept (Sat). The session (conducted in English) was done by Prof George Fu GAO (discoverer of Covid-19) on microbes and vaccines. Professor Gao was kind enough to give his books as gifts to all of our boys at the venue with some of them signed by him as well.
It was our second consecutive year to have boys attending this international conference on bio-technology. It was a marvelous opportunity to get our boys inspired in science and public health issues. Dr Lee 音樂科獎項
'6th Leonardo da Vinci International Choral Festival' Firenze, Italy, 16-19 Jul 2024
中文科獎項 深水埗2023/24年度香港學校戲劇節
4E 岑瑋賢 5A 余志豪 5A 劉逸程 5A 李晉軒 5B 譚舜堯 5C 羅允晞 5E 莊澤謙 6A 張智凱 6A 胡浩謙 6D 蔣樂宏 6E 黃諾希 6E 翁翊森 中文科獎項 第二十六屆全港中小學普通話演講比賽 2024 (初賽)
第二十六屆全港中小學普通話演講比賽 2024 (複賽)
中文科獎項 第二十六屆全港中小學普通話演講比賽 2024 (總決賽)
英文科獎項 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition
數學科獎項 2024 第三十一屆香港小學數學奧林匹克比賽 數學科獎項 香港小學數學創意解難比賽(決賽)
數學科獎項 2024香港小學數學精英選拔賽
常識科獎項 Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2023 決賽
常識科獎項 第三屆全港小學野外大搜查
音樂科獎項 聯校音樂大賽2024
音樂科獎項 聯校音樂大賽2024
音樂科獎項 聯校音樂大賽2024
音樂科獎項 聯校音樂大賽2024
音樂科獎項 第76屆香港學校音樂節 (個人項目)
體育科獎項 九龍西區排球比賽 冠軍 傑出運動員 6C 黃翊軒 6D 黃浩軒 體育科獎項 九龍西區小學校際羽毛球比賽
體育科獎項 第二十一屆全港小學區際籃球比賽2023-2024
體育科獎項 全港小型網球校際周年錦標賽2024
體育科獎項 林大輝中學 - 全港小學五人足球邀請賽 2024
體育科獎項 學體會九龍西區小學分會周年大會暨頒獎典禮 體育科獎項 毅力十二愛心跑
其他獎項 2023-24年「AIA健康校園挑戰賽」
數學科獎項 AIMO 港澳盃初賽2024 數學科獎項 2024年香港華羅庚金杯少年數學邀請賽(決賽) 常識科獎項
英文科獎項 The 16th China Youth (Hong Kong) Talent Competition
數學科獎項 華夏盃2024(香港賽區)初賽 常識科獎項