[16 Sept] 26 boys of P.5-6 together with their parents took part in BIOHK2023 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this morning. Prof Tony Mok and Prof Fan Ngai Hung were the two keynote speakers that morning with topics on early lung cancer detection and learning from SARS and COVID respectively.
Although the conference was highly academic and conducted in English, that didn't stop our highly inquisitive "budding scientists" from feeling engaged. They were attentive and some of them were even impressively eager to ask questions in the end! Here are some of our boys' thoughts in their post-conference reflection: 6B Elliot Liu "I have learnt that air pollution doesn't directly make mutations in the body but still can cause lung cancer. It's very important because 25 percent of all humans have/had cancer, mainly lung cancer." 6D Hinson So "I learnt that to keep our health we should never smoke. Choosing not to smoke is a simple and important decision that we should remember throughout our lives." 6D Fei Xuehanrui "I learnt that AI can help tremendously in early cancer. I think it is important to everyone because it can reduce the time doctors use to check for a mutated cancer cell and allow the doctors to treat more patients in a certain amount of time." 5C Jayden Ngai "We should learn from the experiences from SARS and COVID19 in order to prevent the next virus outbreak. The speaker mentioned how SARS and COVID19 spread out from one place to another. Therefore, his advice to prevent virus spread is very important." 5E Darrell Lau "I have learnt we should never underestimate the effects of infectious diseases. The professor's advice will definitely save a lot of people." 6D Bill Chan "I learned that SARS is a powerful disease is that likely originated from bats. It spreads very easily by airflow and water drainage. It is very important that people pay close attention to their pipe systems." 中文科獎項 香港中華文化發展聯合會 《小嘴巴.說大道理──普通話電台經典名句廣播劇比賽(2022/23學年)》
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